Hoyle Card Games 2001

Third Revised and Updated Edition, 2001
Page 179 - 181

Game Description. The #1 card game collection is back and better than ever! Hoyle Official Card Games includes all-new high-resolution graphics, new features, and of course all of your favorite authentic card games! Play all the most popular variations of classic card games like Solitaire, Hearts, Bridge, Euchre, Rummy, Blackjack, Go Fish, and War.


Hoyle Board Games 2001 Mac Choose Card. With over 150 game variations, Hoyle Card Games 2012 is the largest most comprehensive collection of card games available for your PC Mac Choose card game favorites like Poker, Gin Rummy and Hearts or try your hand at Cribbage, Euchre or Spades. Hoyle Card Games 2001 features 18 classics, ranging from children-oriented titles like Go Fish and Memory Match to adult challenges such as Pinochle, Poker and Bridge. The broad collection also includes a selection of popular solitaire games (compatible with the Palm OS handheld), as well as a variety of casino-style video card games, all. Hoyle Card Games 2001 (PC) overview and full product specs on CNET.

From three to seven, The four-handed partner-ship game is described below. Partners face each other across the table.


A pack of 32 cards from a regular pack of 52 discard all twos to sixes inclusive. The highest trump is the jack, called right bower. The second-highest is the other jack of the same color, called left bower. For example if spades are trump the spade jack is right bower and the club jack is left bower. The rest of the trump suit ranks: A(third-best) K, Q, 10, 9, 8, 7. In each non-trump suit the rank is: A (high) k, Q, J (if not left bower)10, 9, 8, 7.

The Deal

Each player receives five cards, dealt in batches of 3-2 or 2-3. The dealer must adhere to whichever plan he commences.) The last card of the pack (belonging to the dealer) is turned face up on the table; This is the turn-up.


The turn-up proposes the trump suit for that deal, but it becomes trump only if some layer accepts it. Beginning with the player at the left of the dealer, each player in turn may pass or may accept the suit of the turn-up(if it has not been accepted before him). An opponent of the dealer accepts by saying 'I order it u'. The dealers says 'I assist' . or dealer says 'I take it up'
If all four players pass (dealer passes by saying 'I turn it down', the turn-up is turned face down. Then player to the left of the dealer has a chance to pass of to name a trump suit (if none has been named ahead of him)The named trump suit must be different from the turn-up.Whoever decides the trump suit by accepting the turn-up or naming trump in the second round, becomes the maker. The maker has the right to say 'I play alone,' whereupon his partner must discard his hand and stay out of the play. Either opponent of a lone maker may say 'I defend alone,' whereupon his partner must stay out.

The play

If the turn-up is accepted, dealer has the right to use it as part of his hand, discarding any other card face down. (The turn-up card is customarily left on the table until played)
Against a lone maker, the opening lead is made by the opponent at his left, Otherwise, the opening lead is made by the player to the left of the dealer, regardless of who is the maker.The hands are played out in five tricks, A player must follow suit to a lead if able; if unable to follow suit he may play any card. A trick is won by the highest trump on it, or if it contains no trump , by the highest card played of the suit led. The winner of a trick leads to the next.



Only the side that wins three or more tricks scores. Winning all five tricks is called a march. When the making side fails to win the majority it is said to be euchred .The making side, when both are playing, scores 1 point for winning three or four tricks, of 2 for a march. A maker playing alone scores 1 for three or four tricks or 4 points for a march.Opponents of the maker, when both are playing score 2 for a euchre. When there is a lone defender the score is 2 for winning three or four tricks, or 4 for a march.It is customary for each side to keep track of points it has won by use of two low cards, a three and a four.Game. The first side to reach a total of 5 points wins a game. (By agreement this can be fixed at 7 or 10)

Irregularities in Euchre

New Deal

There must be a new deal by the same dealer if a card is exposed or found faced in the pack during the deal or if the pack is found to be incorrect.

False Declaration

If a player uses the wrong term in accepting the turn-up (as 'I order it up' by the dealer's partner), there is no penalty; he is deemed to have accepted the turn-up. If in a second round of declaring a player names the turn-up, his call is void and his side may not make trump.

Declaration Out of Turn

If a player declares out of turn, except in saying 'Pass' his call is void and his side may not make trump.

Wrong Number of Cards

If before the first trick is quitted, any hand is found to have the wrong number of cards there must be a new deal by the same dealer; if the error is discovered at a later time, play continues and the offending side may not score for that deal.

Lead Out of Turn

If a player leads out of turn and the trick is gathered before the error is noticed, it stands as regular. Otherwise the erroneous lead becomes an exposed card(see below) and any other card played to the trick may be retracted without penalty. At the next proper turn of the offending side to lead, the opponent at the right of leader may name the suit to be led. This penalty does not apply to a lone player, but he may be required to retract a lead out of turn.

Exposed Card

If a player (not playing alone) exposes a card from his hand except in proper play, he must leave it face up on the table and play it at the first legal opportunity.

Illegal Information

If a player looks at a quitted trick or gives illegal information to his partner, the opponent at the right of the leader may name the suit of the offending side to lead.


Failure to follow suit when able to is a revoke A player may correct his revoke before the trick is gathered ; otherwise it stands as established. For an established revoke, the opponents of the offender may score 2 points or may deduct 2 points from the revoking side (both playing) or 4 points from a lone.

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Hoyle Card Games 2001